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DeFi Garage

Build. Deploy. Repeat.


DeFi Garage is a team of experienced developers dedicated to building challenger on-chain products in the decentralised finance (DeFi) space. With a vision focused on immutable smart contracts and minimised governance, the team adopts a "build fast and deploy fast" approach while ensuring internal audit and testing rounds.

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Our vision is to build and deploy solutions that offer users strategic and flexible management of their crypto wealth.

The mission is to develop decentralised financial products and protocols that challenge traditional models, while prioritising security, sustainability, and value creation for users.

These solutions will be delivered within a variety of innovative dApps and web3 games built upon risk minimised architecture.


To create a portfolio of dApps and web3 games that offer value to all participants through incentive alignment.

Each dApp’s tokenomic structure will extend beyond its own local system to reinforce the wider DeFi Garage network.

This approach will create a compounding value structure for DeFiGarage token holders.

As the DeFi Garage ecosystem expands, holders will benefit by the increasing inflows from its asset base of dApps and web3 games.