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Value Distribution and Methodology

We employ the following raise methodology:

Raise ETH

We initiate the fundraising process by accepting Ethereum (ETH) contributions.

Utilise Cat-in-a-Box Protocol

We convert all ETH raised into stETH then deposit into Cat-in-a-Box to take a boxETH loan. This ensures the backing of our assets and enhances liquidity.

Team Funding

Of the funds raised a 10% loan of BoxETH is taken to fund team development. The yield generated by the funding also contributes to continuous team funding.

Product Fees

We generate additional revenue through product fees, which contribute to the upward asset-backed valuation of the tokens we offer.

The funds raised through this methodology will be allocated towards various purposes, including team expansion and payroll, marketing efforts, miscellaneous operational expenses, project ecosystem development, liquidity incentives, and more.